We started this year with a remodeling job in our church building. As many of you may know, we have been doing two Sunday morning services for several years now in order to have seating for everyone. However, we have felt the need to get the entire group together once again. After talking this over with our leadership team this past fall, we decided that we would try to make our building a bit larger. In order to do this, we removed the divisions that we had originally built to create a nursery and a storage area. In this way we were able to gain about 70% seating capacity and go back to a single Sunday morning service.
We are blessed to have several architects in our church, and one in particular who has had many years of experience. Gabriel, our worship leader, has worked on several large projects over the years, including the construction of a Sam’s Club, the Mexico City airport, and several housing developments. He has graciously offered his time, knowledge, and talent to make the changes.
A team of several volunteers gathered for the work during the days following Christmas and News Years. They worked very hard to have everything ready for Sunday services. We relocated the nursery to a property just three doors down the street, where we rented a second warehouse in which we will be building the children’s and youth ministry centers. This will be a good change for our children’s and youth ministries, as well. We plan to also use the classrooms for adult Bible school classes during the week.