Pastor Leon and Audrey Visit Our Church

leon_audrey_familyLeon and Audrey arrived from Michigan on Thursday, May 24. I went to the airport with Ernesto, a brother from our church. Anna, our daughter, also went along. We brought them here to our house, as Leon and Audrey stayed at our visitor’s cabin. After resting on Thursday night, we took them to the village called Real del Monte (where Sara was born), on Friday, where we had lunch and walked through the downtown area, looking at the shops.

On Friday night, Leon began his series of messages on Biblical healing in our church in Tulancingo. The service was well attended, as he shared his first two messages on this subject. We were able to pray for several sick people who were present at the meeting. Audrey De Haan shared a message with the ladies at a breakfast meeting on Saturday morning. What a great breakfast! The church was full of ladies, many who had never been to our church before. Several received Christ Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and many others received prayer. Leon gave his last two messages on healing on Saturday night, which was also well attended. Several people gave their lives to Christ at the end of the series on Saturday night. All of his messages were very biblically based and doctrinally balanced. Leon enjoyed his tongue tacos (one of his favorite mexican foods) for supper after the meeting before heading back to the cabin to rest for the night.

desayunoWe had a great time with Leon and Audrey, and their visit was a tremendous blessing for our family and church. Praise God for their lives and ministry!We said our goodbyes very early, as Leon and Audrey left for the airport at 5:00 am on Monday morning to take their plane back to Michigan. Brother Ernesto and his wife drove them to the Mexico City airport, and then came back to our house afterward for breakfast.

Children’s Ministry Seminar

The children ministering praise and worship at the Tula seminar.
The children ministering praise and worship at the Tula seminar.

This past Friday, Sara and a few of our Children’s Church leaders went to Tula to teach a seminar on Children’s Ministry. Our son, Daniel, and our children’s praise band, together with part of the choreography ministry (including Anna) went along, as well. I drove some of the kids there and came back Friday night with them. They did a great job leading praise and worship for the opening night of the event. Sara and the rest of the ladies spent the night there and taught several sessions on Saturday during the day. They were a real blessing for the church, and the group that attended received great teaching and inspiration to serve in this important area of ministry.

Advanced School of Ministry Seminar, 2012

David interperting for Doctor Tim Hamon in Cuernavaca
David interperting for Doctor Tim Hamon in Cuernavaca

This year’s seminar was called “Strategic Transformation”.  The entire seminar was focused on conquering specific mountains in society (including education, arts/entertainment, government, religion, business, family and the media) for the Kingdom of God.  I was actively involved in preparing the notebook of just under 160 pages for the 800 students who would attend.  I had been working on translating material and preparing my own classes since August.  It was quite an accomplishment when I finally finished editing and typesetting the material at the beginning of January.

Our main speaker was Doctor Tim Hamon of Christian International College, from Florida.  He shared a series of six powerful messages on the Biblical basis for transformation in the society through the preaching of the Kingdom of God at all levels.  Doctor Hamon really challenged all of us through his teaching sessions to think about ways to bring the message of the Kingdom to areas of society many Christians would never consider.

I interpreted for Doctor Hamon’s six sessions.  Also, both Sara and I shared our own classes.  I did a session called “Redeeming the Arts” and Sara did a session on entertainment.  It was amazing how many artists came to me for prayer and encouragement at the end of the seminar.  I never have considered myself an artist, although I enjoy music and the arts.  But after my session on art, many young leaders identified with my teaching.

Our entire leadership team taught sessions of several topics; we also had the participation of a couple from the church in Cuernavaca that has been involved in politics and business.  We especially enjoyed the session about impacting the business world for Christ, which was presented by Kerry Brown (Bill Brown’s son).
We are thankful to the Lord for the opportunity he gave us to bring new inspiration for ministry to many pastors and leaders.

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