April 30 is known as “Children’s Day” in Mexico. As a church, we did a couple of special events for Children’s Day this year.
First of all, we began a mission in a poor community up on the hills above Tulancingo several months ago. One of our leaders, Gabriel, and his wife, Silvana, are in charge of this outreach. They organized a game day for all the children of the area, with activities such as rallies, a movie theater in a tent with a Christian cartoon, marble games, and several others. Our church also gave away kites and other toys to the children.
After the kids played, we had a few minutes of worship, and then I spoke briefly to them and the parents who were present about the need to open their hearts to Jesus Christ.
After the message, all were invited to eat together. A team of ladies had prepared food for everyone.
The following Sunday, we had our church’s local celebration of Children’s Day with pizzas, race cars, and inflatables.
Lk. 18:16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. (NIV)
We are investing in the lives of children, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Our church is working on a new children’s facility which is only three buildings from the building where we hold are services for the adults, and soon we will have children’s services in the new children’s center. There are many young couples with children in our church, and some of the kids do not attend children’s church, since our current children’s building is several block away. We look forward to soon having a better place for them to worship, learn about God’s Word, and give their lives to the Lord.